Gallery: flat design

Logo collaboration with Melanie Rivers for the Museum of Vancouver, Indigenous arts programming. The three parts form a kingfisher bird as the museum is right near the water. The design elements are two salmon at left, a crescent moon, and a split extended crescent, and also form a stylization of the letters: M O V
Concept illustration for Indigenization/Decolonizing article, developed with co-author Dr Justin Wilson. The red vertical strands would be local Indigenous protocols and connections, and grey horizontal strands can be seen as individual institutional culture and priorities – woven together as in a Coast Salish blanket weaving. Each institutional blanket would be unique and individually representative, as are Indigenization initiatives.

This is an unused design, originally developed for Britannia Community Centre signage. Square designs like this were historically used in bentwood box panels, and in this case it also references a squared off spindle whorl. It features salmon and eagles.

An internal Provincial Health Services Of British Columbia logo based upon a spindle whorl, originally for a Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies conference.
Logo concept / story:
the centre circle is the baby, and the larger whorl can represent the mother. The berries represent the flourishing community surrounding the child and waiting to love and support the family and child. While a medicine wheel is not strictly Coast Salish, there is this kind of four pointed ’star’ design used on some of the old forms which seems to portray the four directions, which is included here within the design.

Image used in a Museum of Vancouver Indigenous film festival promotions. Features an eagle/sun image and includes film sprocket holes around the edge used in much the same way abalone shell inlays appear on some old carvings. Some teachings around this are that the eagle, like the sun, soar above us and when they look down they see all humanity as one – ideas relevant too many nations working together as in this film festival.